
28 lines
818 B

#ifndef __ANIMATION_H__
#define __ANIMATION_H__
#include <avr/io.h>
// line_t provides a simplified implementation of Bresenham's line drawing
// technique. At this time, it assumes a transition of x = 0 -> 60, and a dy
// between -59 and 59. I am not sure I understand Bresenham's algorithm yet,
// but I'll need to revisit all of this if I want to expand the boundaries.
typedef struct line_s {
uint8_t y;
int8_t m;
int8_t error;
int8_t inc;
uint8_t dx;
} line_t;
// Construct a new line object. x1 must be greater than x0, and dy must be less than dx.
line_t line_new(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1);
// Calculate the next y value of the line.
uint8_t line_next(line_t *line);
// Diagnostic printout of the current state of line_t.
// void line_print(line_t *line);