Set up SGF reading and start on the game database #47

savanni merged 20 commits from kifu/sgf into main 2023-07-26 13:54:28 +00:00
4 changed files with 337 additions and 63 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 2469cd78fa - Show all commits

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@ -69,11 +69,11 @@
use nom::{
bytes::complete::{tag, take_until},
character::complete::{alpha1, anychar, multispace0},
character::complete::{alpha1, anychar, digit1, multispace0},
multi::{many0, many1, many_till},
multi::{many0, many1, many_till, separated_list1},
sequence::{delimited, terminated},
IResult, Parser,
Finish, IResult, Parser,
use thiserror::Error;
@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ pub enum ParseError {
impl From<nom::error::Error<&str>> for ParseError {
fn from(_: nom::error::Error<&str>) -> Self {
// todo: support ST root node
pub struct GameTree {
@ -181,6 +187,37 @@ enum PropValue {
pub fn parse_sgf(input: &str) -> Result<GameTree, ParseError> {
let (_, tree) = parse_tree(input).finish()?;
let file_format = match tree.sequence[0].find_prop("FF") {
Some(prop) => prop.values[0].parse::<i8>().unwrap(),
None => 4,
let app = tree.sequence[0]
.map(|prop| prop.values[0].clone());
let board_size = match tree.sequence[0].find_prop("SZ") {
Some(prop) => {
let (_, size) = parse_size(prop.values[0].as_str()).finish()?;
None => Size {
width: 19,
height: 19,
Ok(GameTree {
game_type: GameType::Go,
text: input.to_owned(),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Tree {
sequence: Vec<Node>,
@ -219,7 +256,16 @@ impl ToString for Node {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
impl Node {
fn find_prop(&self, ident: &str) -> Option<Property> {
.find(|prop| prop.ident == ident)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Property {
ident: String,
values: Vec<String>,
@ -239,13 +285,6 @@ impl ToString for Property {
// note: must preserve unknown properties
// note: must fix or preserve illegally formatted game-info properties
// note: must correct or delete illegally foramtted properties, but display a warning
pub fn parse_sgf(input: &str) -> Result<(GameTree, Vec<Warning>), ParseError> {
let (_, gameinfo) = parse_gametree(input).unwrap();
Ok((gameinfo, vec![]))
fn parse_tree(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Tree> {
println!("parse_tree: {}", input);
let (input, _) = multispace0(input)?;
@ -277,6 +316,7 @@ fn parse_node(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Node> {
fn parse_property(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Property> {
println!("parse_property: {}", input);
let (input, _) = multispace0(input)?;
let (input, ident) = alpha1(input)?;
let (input, values) = many1(delimited(tag("["), take_until("]"), tag("]")))(input)?;
@ -293,49 +333,30 @@ fn parse_property(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Property> {
fn parse_gametree(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, GameTree> {
let (input, _) = tag("(;")(input)?;
let (input, properties) = many1(parse_property)(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag(")")(input)?;
println!("properties: {:?}", properties);
Ok((input, unimplemented!()))
pub fn add(left: usize, right: usize) -> usize {
left + right
fn parse_size(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Size> {
let (input, dimensions) = separated_list1(tag(":"), digit1)(input)?;
let (width, height) = match dimensions.as_slice() {
[width] => (width.parse::<i32>().unwrap(), width.parse::<i32>().unwrap()),
[width, height] => (
_ => (19, 19),
Ok((input, Size { width, height }))
mod tests {
use std::{fs::File, io::Read};
use super::*;
const EXAMPLE_1: &'static str = "(;FF[4]C[root](;C[a];C[b](;C[c])
const EXAMPLE: &'static str = "(;FF[4]C[root](;C[a];C[b](;C[c])
const EXAMPLE_2: &'static str = "(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]AP[SGFC:1.13b]
;B[cn]LB[dn:A][po:B]C[dada: other ideas are 'A' (d6) or 'B' (q5)]
;W[eo](;B[dl]C[dada: hm - looks troublesome.
Usually B plays the 3,3 invasion - see variation];W[qo];B[qp]
(;W[dq]N[wrong direction];B[qo];W[qp]))";
fn it_can_parse_properties() {
let (_, prop) = parse_property("C[a]").unwrap();
@ -479,7 +500,7 @@ Usually B plays the 3,3 invasion - see variation];W[qo];B[qp]
fn it_can_parse_example_1() {
let (_, ex_tree) = parse_tree(EXAMPLE_1).unwrap();
let (_, ex_tree) = parse_tree(EXAMPLE).unwrap();
assert_eq!(ex_tree.sequence.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ex_tree.sequence[0].properties.len(), 2);
@ -515,7 +536,7 @@ Usually B plays the 3,3 invasion - see variation];W[qo];B[qp]
fn it_can_regenerate_the_tree() {
let (_, tree1) = parse_tree(EXAMPLE_1).unwrap();
let (_, tree1) = parse_tree(EXAMPLE).unwrap();
println!("{}", tree1.to_string());
@ -525,41 +546,44 @@ Usually B plays the 3,3 invasion - see variation];W[qo];B[qp]
assert_eq!(tree1, tree2);
fn with_examples(f: impl FnOnce(GameTree, GameTree)) {
let (example_1, _) = parse_sgf(EXAMPLE_1).unwrap();
let (example_2, _) = parse_sgf(EXAMPLE_2).unwrap();
fn with_text(text: &str, f: impl FnOnce(GameTree)) {
f(example_1, example_2);
fn with_file(path: &std::path::Path, f: impl FnOnce(GameTree)) {
let mut file = File::open(path).unwrap();
let mut text = String::new();
let _ = file.read_to_string(&mut text);
with_text(&text, f);
fn it_parses_game_root() {
with_examples(|ex_1, ex_2| {
assert_eq!(ex_1.file_format, 4);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(ex_1.game_type, GameType::Go);
with_text(EXAMPLE, |tree| {
assert_eq!(tree.file_format, 4);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(tree.game_type, GameType::Go);
Size {
width: 19,
height: 19
assert_eq!(ex_1.text, EXAMPLE_1.to_owned());
assert_eq!(tree.text, EXAMPLE.to_owned());
assert_eq!(ex_2.file_format, 4);
assert_eq!(, Some("SGFC:1.13b".to_owned()));
assert_eq!(ex_2.game_type, GameType::Go);
with_file(std::path::Path::new("test_data/print1.sgf"), |tree| {
assert_eq!(tree.file_format, 4);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(tree.game_type, GameType::Go);
Size {
width: 19,
height: 19
assert_eq!(ex_2.text, EXAMPLE_2.to_owned());

go-sgf/test_data/ff4_ex.sgf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
(;FF[4]AP[Primiview:3.1]GM[1]SZ[19]GN[Gametree 1: properties]US[Arno Hollosi]
(;B[pd]N[Moves, comments, annotations]
C[Nodename set to: "Moves, comments, annotations"];W[dp]GW[1]
C[Marked as "Good for White"];B[pp]GB[2]
C[Marked as "Very good for Black"];W[dc]GW[2]
C[Marked as "Very good for White"];B[pj]DM[1]
C[Marked as "Even position"];W[ci]UC[1]
C[Marked as "Unclear position"];B[jd]TE[1]
C[Marked as "Tesuji" or "Good move"];W[jp]BM[2]
C[Marked as "Very bad move"];B[gd]DO[]
C[Marked as "Doubtful move"];W[de]IT[]
C[Marked as "Interesting move"];B[jj];
C[White "Pass" move]W[];
C[Black "Pass" move]B[tt])
N[Setup]C[Black & white stones at the top are added as single stones.
Black & white stones at the bottom are added using compressed point lists.]
Black stones & stones of left white group are erased in FF[3\] way.
White stones at bottom right were erased using compressed point list.]
;AB[pd]AW[pp]PL[B]C[Added two stones.
Node marked with "Black to play".];PL[W]
C[Node marked with "White to play"])
[er]N[Markup]C[Position set up without compressed point lists.]
C[Markup at top partially using compressed point lists (for markup on white stones); listed clockwise, starting at upper left:
- TR (triangle)
- CR (circle)
- SQ (square)
- SL (selected points)
- MA ('X')
Markup at bottom: black & white territory (using compressed point lists)]
C[Label (LB property)
Top: 8 single char labels (1-4, a-d)
Bottom: Labels up to 8 char length.]
C[Arrows, lines and dimmed points.])
(;B[qd]N[Style & text type]
C[There are hard linebreaks & soft linebreaks.
Soft linebreaks are linebreaks preceeded by '\\' like this one >o\
k<. Hard line breaks are all other linebreaks.
Soft linebreaks are converted to >nothing<, i.e. removed.
Note that linebreaks are coded differently on different systems.
Examples (>ok< shouldn't be split):
linebreak 1 "\\n": >o\
linebreak 2 "\\n\\r": >o\
linebreak 3 "\\r\\n": >o\
linebreak 4 "\\r": >o\ k<]
(;W[dd]N[W d16]C[Variation C is better.](;B[pp]N[B q4])
(;B[dp]N[B d4])
(;B[pq]N[B q3])
(;B[oq]N[B p3])
(;W[dp]N[W d4])
(;W[pp]N[W q4])
(;W[cc]N[W c17])
(;W[cq]N[W c3])
(;W[qq]N[W r3])
(;B[qr]N[Time limits, captures & move numbers]
BL[120.0]C[Black time left: 120 sec];W[rr]
WL[300]C[White time left: 300 sec];B[rq]
BL[105.6]OB[10]C[Black time left: 105.6 sec
Black stones left (in this byo-yomi period): 10];W[qq]
WL[200]OW[2]C[White time left: 200 sec
White stones left: 2];B[sr]
BL[87.00]OB[9]C[Black time left: 87 sec
Black stones left: 9];W[qs]
WL[13.20]OW[1]C[White time left: 13.2 sec
White stones left: 1];B[rs]
C[One white stone at s2 captured];W[ps];B[pr];W[or]
MN[2]C[Set move number to 2];B[os]
C[Two white stones captured
(at q1 & r1)]
;MN[112]W[pq]C[Set move number to 112];B[sq];W[rp];B[ps]
;B[rr];W[sp];B[qs]C[Suicide move
(all B stones get captured)])
(;FF[4]AP[Primiview:3.1]GM[1]SZ[19]C[Gametree 2: game-info
Game-info properties are usually stored in the root node.
If games are merged into a single game-tree, they are stored in the node\
where the game first becomes distinguishable from all other games in\
the tree.]
(;PW[W. Hite]WR[6d]RO[2]RE[W+3.5]
PB[B. Lack]BR[5d]PC[London]EV[Go Congress]W[dp]
Black: B. Lack, 5d
White: W. Hite, 6d
Place: London
Event: Go Congress
Round: 2
Result: White wins by 3.5])
(;PW[T. Suji]WR[7d]RO[1]RE[W+Resign]
PB[B. Lack]BR[5d]PC[London]EV[Go Congress]W[cp]
Black: B. Lack, 5d
White: T. Suji, 7d
Place: London
Event: Go Congress
Round: 1
Result: White wins by resignation])
(;PW[S. Abaki]WR[1d]RO[3]RE[B+63.5]
PB[B. Lack]BR[5d]PC[London]EV[Go Congress]W[ed]
Black: B. Lack, 5d
White: S. Abaki, 1d
Place: London
Event: Go Congress
Round: 3
Result: Balck wins by 63.5])
(;PW[A. Tari]WR[12k]KM[-59.5]RO[4]RE[B+R]
PB[B. Lack]BR[5d]PC[London]EV[Go Congress]W[cd]
Black: B. Lack, 5d
White: A. Tari, 12k
Place: London
Event: Go Congress
Round: 4
Komi: -59.5 points
Result: Black wins by resignation])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]FG[257:Figure 1]PM[1]
PB[Takemiya Masaki]BR[9 dan]PW[Cho Chikun]
WR[9 dan]RE[W+Resign]KM[5.5]TM[28800]DT[1996-10-18,19]
EV[21st Meijin]RO[2 (final)]SO[Go World #78]US[Arno Hollosi]
;B[ei];W[eg];B[kk]LB[qq:a][dj:b][ck:c][qp:d]N[Figure 1]
;W[me]FG[257:Figure 2];B[kf];W[ke];B[lf];W[jf];B[jg]
(;W[nr];B[qp]LB[kd:a][kh:b]N[Figure 2]
;W[pk]FG[257:Figure 3];B[pm];W[oj];B[ok];W[qr];B[os];W[ol];B[nk];W[qj]
;W[jo];B[km]N[Figure 3])
(;W[ql]VW[ja:ss]FG[257:Dia. 6]MN[1];B[rm];W[ph];B[oh];W[pg];B[og];W[pf]
N[Diagram 6]))
(;W[no]VW[jj:ss]FG[257:Dia. 5]MN[1];B[pn]N[Diagram 5]))
(;B[pr]FG[257:Dia. 4]MN[1];W[kq];B[lp];W[lr];B[jq];W[jr];B[kp];W[kr];B[ir]
;W[hr]LB[is:a][js:b][or:c]N[Diagram 4]))
(;W[if]FG[257:Dia. 3]MN[1];B[mf];W[ig];B[jh]LB[ki:a]N[Diagram 3]))
(;W[oc]VW[aa:sk]FG[257:Dia. 2]MN[1];B[md];W[mc];B[ld]N[Diagram 2]))
(;B[qe]VW[aa:sj]FG[257:Dia. 1]MN[1];W[re];B[qf];W[rf];B[qg];W[pb];B[ob]
;W[qb]LB[rg:a]N[Diagram 1]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]FG[257:Figure 1]PM[2]
PB[Cho Chikun]BR[9 dan]PW[Ryu Shikun]WR[9 dan]RE[W+2.5]KM[5.5]
DT[1996-08]EV[51st Honinbo]RO[5 (final)]SO[Go World #78]US[Arno Hollosi]
;B[mc];W[qc]N[Figure 1]
;B[pd]FG[257:Figure 2];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[kc];W[nd];B[nc];W[kb];B[rd];W[pe]
;W[bh]LB[of:a][mf:b][rc:c][di:d][ja:e]N[Figure 2]
;B[qp]FG[257:Figure 3];W[lo];B[ej];W[oq]
;B[mi];W[li];B[lh];W[mg];B[ek];W[el];B[ik]LB[kr:a]N[Figure 3]
;W[ki]FG[257:Figure 4];B[fl];W[fk];B[gl];W[hk];B[hl];W[hj];B[jl];W[kk];B[km]
;W[jo];B[je];W[kf];B[ni];W[dh];B[ge];W[ie];B[rg];W[je]N[Figure 4])
(;B[dk]FG[257:Dia. 6]MN[1];W[ck];B[gk]N[Diagram 6]))
(;B[nq]VW[ai:ss]FG[257:Dia. 5]MN[1];W[mr];B[nr];W[lr]TR[oq]N[Diagram 5]))
(;B[mp]VW[ai:ss]FG[257:Dia. 4]MN[1];W[op];B[oo];W[no];B[mo];W[on];B[po]
;W[mn];B[np];W[nn];B[or]N[Diagram 4]))
(;B[rc]VW[aa:sj]FG[257:Dia. 2]MN[1];W[rb];B[sb];W[la];B[ma];W[na];B[ja]
;W[pa]N[Diagram 2])
(;B[rb]VW[aa:sj]FG[257:Dia. 3]MN[1];W[rc];B[sc];W[qb];B[pa];W[sb];B[sa]
;W[sd];B[qa]N[Diagram 3]))
(;B[qf]VW[aa:sj]FG[257:Dia. 1]MN[1];W[mb];B[kc];W[qe];B[ne];W[kb];B[md]
;W[la];B[nb];W[eb]LB[ob:a][na:b][rc:c][sd:d]N[Diagram 1]))