(;FF[4]AP[Primiview:3.1]GM[1]SZ[19]GN[Gametree 1: properties]US[Arno Hollosi] (;B[pd]N[Moves, comments, annotations] C[Nodename set to: "Moves, comments, annotations"];W[dp]GW[1] C[Marked as "Good for White"];B[pp]GB[2] C[Marked as "Very good for Black"];W[dc]GW[2] C[Marked as "Very good for White"];B[pj]DM[1] C[Marked as "Even position"];W[ci]UC[1] C[Marked as "Unclear position"];B[jd]TE[1] C[Marked as "Tesuji" or "Good move"];W[jp]BM[2] C[Marked as "Very bad move"];B[gd]DO[] C[Marked as "Doubtful move"];W[de]IT[] C[Marked as "Interesting move"];B[jj]; C[White "Pass" move]W[]; C[Black "Pass" move]B[tt]) (;AB[dd][de][df][dg][do:gq] AW[jd][je][jf][jg][kn:lq][pn:pq] N[Setup]C[Black & white stones at the top are added as single stones. Black & white stones at the bottom are added using compressed point lists.] ;AE[ep][fp][kn][lo][lq][pn:pq] C[AddEmpty Black stones & stones of left white group are erased in FF[3\] way. White stones at bottom right were erased using compressed point list.] ;AB[pd]AW[pp]PL[B]C[Added two stones. Node marked with "Black to play".];PL[W] C[Node marked with "White to play"]) (;AB[dd][de][df][dg][dh][di][dj][nj][ni][nh][nf][ne][nd][ij][ii][ih][hq] [gq][fq][eq][dr][ds][dq][dp][cp][bp][ap][iq][ir][is][bo][bn][an][ms][mr] AW[pd][pe][pf][pg][ph][pi][pj][fd][fe][ff][fh][fi][fj][kh][ki][kj][os][or] [oq][op][pp][qp][rp][sp][ro][rn][sn][nq][mq][lq][kq][kr][ks][fs][gs][gr] [er]N[Markup]C[Position set up without compressed point lists.] ;TR[dd][de][df][ed][ee][ef][fd:ff] MA[dh][di][dj][ej][ei][eh][fh:fj] CR[nd][ne][nf][od][oe][of][pd:pf] SQ[nh][ni][nj][oh][oi][oj][ph:pj] SL[ih][ii][ij][jj][ji][jh][kh:kj] TW[pq:ss][so][lr:ns] TB[aq:cs][er:hs][ao] C[Markup at top partially using compressed point lists (for markup on white stones); listed clockwise, starting at upper left: - TR (triangle) - CR (circle) - SQ (square) - SL (selected points) - MA ('X') Markup at bottom: black & white territory (using compressed point lists)] ;LB[dc:1][fc:2][nc:3][pc:4][dj:a][fj:b][nj:c] [pj:d][gs:ABCDEFGH][gr:ABCDEFG][gq:ABCDEF][gp:ABCDE][go:ABCD][gn:ABC][gm:AB] [mm:12][mn:123][mo:1234][mp:12345][mq:123456][mr:1234567][ms:12345678] C[Label (LB property) Top: 8 single char labels (1-4, a-d) Bottom: Labels up to 8 char length.] ;DD[kq:os][dq:hs] AR[aa:sc][sa:ac][aa:sa][aa:ac][cd:cj] [gd:md][fh:ij][kj:nh] LN[pj:pd][nf:ff][ih:fj][kh:nj] C[Arrows, lines and dimmed points.]) (;B[qd]N[Style & text type] C[There are hard linebreaks & soft linebreaks. Soft linebreaks are linebreaks preceeded by '\\' like this one >o\ k<. Hard line breaks are all other linebreaks. Soft linebreaks are converted to >nothing<, i.e. removed. Note that linebreaks are coded differently on different systems. Examples (>ok< shouldn't be split): linebreak 1 "\\n": >o\ k< linebreak 2 "\\n\\r": >o\ k< linebreak 3 "\\r\\n": >o\ k< linebreak 4 "\\r": >o\ k<] (;W[dd]N[W d16]C[Variation C is better.](;B[pp]N[B q4]) (;B[dp]N[B d4]) (;B[pq]N[B q3]) (;B[oq]N[B p3]) ) (;W[dp]N[W d4]) (;W[pp]N[W q4]) (;W[cc]N[W c17]) (;W[cq]N[W c3]) (;W[qq]N[W r3]) ) (;B[qr]N[Time limits, captures & move numbers] BL[120.0]C[Black time left: 120 sec];W[rr] WL[300]C[White time left: 300 sec];B[rq] BL[105.6]OB[10]C[Black time left: 105.6 sec Black stones left (in this byo-yomi period): 10];W[qq] WL[200]OW[2]C[White time left: 200 sec White stones left: 2];B[sr] BL[87.00]OB[9]C[Black time left: 87 sec Black stones left: 9];W[qs] WL[13.20]OW[1]C[White time left: 13.2 sec White stones left: 1];B[rs] C[One white stone at s2 captured];W[ps];B[pr];W[or] MN[2]C[Set move number to 2];B[os] C[Two white stones captured (at q1 & r1)] ;MN[112]W[pq]C[Set move number to 112];B[sq];W[rp];B[ps] ;W[ns];B[ss];W[nr] ;B[rr];W[sp];B[qs]C[Suicide move (all B stones get captured)]) )