/* Copyright 2023-2024, Savanni D'Gerinel This file is part of FitnessTrax. FitnessTrax is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FitnessTrax is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FitnessTrax. If not, see . */ // use chrono::NaiveDate; // use ft_core::TraxRecord; use crate::{ components::{ActionGroup, Weight}, view_models::DayDetailViewModel, }; use emseries::Record; use glib::Object; use gtk::{prelude::*, subclass::prelude::*}; use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc}; use super::weight::WeightEdit; pub struct DaySummaryPrivate { date: gtk::Label, weight: RefCell>, } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for DaySummaryPrivate { const NAME: &'static str = "DaySummary"; type Type = DaySummary; type ParentType = gtk::Box; fn new() -> Self { let date = gtk::Label::builder() .css_classes(["day-summary__date"]) .halign(gtk::Align::Start) .build(); Self { date, weight: RefCell::new(None), } } } impl ObjectImpl for DaySummaryPrivate {} impl WidgetImpl for DaySummaryPrivate {} impl BoxImpl for DaySummaryPrivate {} glib::wrapper! { /// The DaySummary displays one day's activities in a narrative style. This is meant to give /// an overall feel of everything that happened during the day without going into details. pub struct DaySummary(ObjectSubclass) @extends gtk::Box, gtk::Widget, @implements gtk::Orientable; } impl DaySummary { pub fn new() -> Self { let s: Self = Object::builder().build(); s.set_orientation(gtk::Orientation::Vertical); s.set_css_classes(&["day-summary"]); s.append(&s.imp().date); s } pub fn set_data(&self, date: chrono::NaiveDate, records: Vec>) { self.imp() .date .set_text(&date.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string()); if let Some(ref weight_label) = *self.imp().weight.borrow() { self.remove(weight_label); } if let Some(Record { data: ft_core::TraxRecord::Weight(weight_record), .. }) = records.iter().filter(|f| f.data.is_weight()).next() { let label = gtk::Label::builder() .halign(gtk::Align::Start) .label(&format!("{}", weight_record.weight)) .css_classes(["day-summary__weight"]) .build(); self.append(&label); *self.imp().weight.borrow_mut() = Some(label); } /* self.append( >k::Label::builder() .halign(gtk::Align::Start) .label("15km of biking in 60 minutes") .build(), ); */ } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct DayDetailPrivate {} #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for DayDetailPrivate { const NAME: &'static str = "DayDetail"; type Type = DayDetail; type ParentType = gtk::Box; } impl ObjectImpl for DayDetailPrivate {} impl WidgetImpl for DayDetailPrivate {} impl BoxImpl for DayDetailPrivate {} glib::wrapper! { pub struct DayDetail(ObjectSubclass) @extends gtk::Box, gtk::Widget, @implements gtk::Orientable; } impl DayDetail { pub fn new(view_model: DayDetailViewModel, on_edit: OnEdit) -> Self where OnEdit: Fn() + 'static, { let s: Self = Object::builder().build(); s.set_orientation(gtk::Orientation::Vertical); s.set_hexpand(true); s.append( &ActionGroup::builder() .primary_action("Edit", Box::new(move || on_edit())) .build(), ); /* let click_controller = gtk::GestureClick::new(); click_controller.connect_released({ let s = s.clone(); move |_, _, _, _| { println!("clicked outside of focusable entity"); if let Some(widget) = s.focus_child().and_downcast_ref::() { println!("focused child is the weight view"); widget.blur(); } } }); s.add_controller(click_controller); */ /* let weight_record = records.iter().find_map(|record| match record { Record { id, data: ft_core::TraxRecord::Weight(record), } => Some((id.clone(), record.clone())), _ => None, }); */ let weight_view = Weight::new(view_model.weight()); s.append(&weight_view.widget()); /* records.into_iter().for_each(|record| { let record_view = match record { Record { data: ft_core::TraxRecord::BikeRide(record), .. } => Some( TimeDistanceView::new(ft_core::RecordType::BikeRide, record) .upcast::(), ), Record { data: ft_core::TraxRecord::Row(record), .. } => Some( TimeDistanceView::new(ft_core::RecordType::Row, record).upcast::(), ), Record { data: ft_core::TraxRecord::Run(record), .. } => Some( TimeDistanceView::new(ft_core::RecordType::Row, record).upcast::(), ), Record { data: ft_core::TraxRecord::Swim(record), .. } => Some( TimeDistanceView::new(ft_core::RecordType::Row, record).upcast::(), ), Record { data: ft_core::TraxRecord::Walk(record), .. } => Some( TimeDistanceView::new(ft_core::RecordType::Row, record).upcast::(), ), _ => None, }; if let Some(record_view) = record_view { record_view.add_css_class("day-detail"); record_view.set_halign(gtk::Align::Start); s.append(&record_view); } }); */ s } } pub struct DayEditPrivate { on_finished: RefCell>, } impl Default for DayEditPrivate { fn default() -> Self { Self { on_finished: RefCell::new(Box::new(|| {})), } } } #[glib::object_subclass] impl ObjectSubclass for DayEditPrivate { const NAME: &'static str = "DayEdit"; type Type = DayEdit; type ParentType = gtk::Box; } impl ObjectImpl for DayEditPrivate {} impl WidgetImpl for DayEditPrivate {} impl BoxImpl for DayEditPrivate {} glib::wrapper! { pub struct DayEdit(ObjectSubclass) @extends gtk::Box, gtk::Widget, @implements gtk::Orientable; } impl DayEdit { pub fn new(view_model: DayDetailViewModel, on_finished: OnFinished) -> Self where OnFinished: Fn() + 'static, { let s: Self = Object::builder().build(); s.set_orientation(gtk::Orientation::Vertical); s.set_hexpand(true); *s.imp().on_finished.borrow_mut() = Box::new(on_finished); s.append( &ActionGroup::builder() .primary_action("Save", { let s = s.clone(); let view_model = view_model.clone(); move || { view_model.save(); s.finish(); } }) .secondary_action("Cancel", { let s = s.clone(); let view_model = view_model.clone(); move || { view_model.revert(); s.finish(); } }) .build(), ); s.append( &WeightEdit::new(view_model.weight(), { let view_model = view_model.clone(); move |w| { view_model.set_weight(w); } }) .widget(), ); s } fn finish(&self) { (self.imp().on_finished.borrow())() } }