20566 lines
666 KiB
20566 lines
666 KiB
# This file was @generated by crate2nix 0.11.0 with the command:
# "generate"
# See https://github.com/kolloch/crate2nix for more info.
{ nixpkgs ? <nixpkgs>
, pkgs ? import nixpkgs { config = {}; }
, lib ? pkgs.lib
, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv
, buildRustCrateForPkgs ? pkgs: pkgs.buildRustCrate
# This is used as the `crateOverrides` argument for `buildRustCrate`.
, defaultCrateOverrides ? pkgs.defaultCrateOverrides
# The features to enable for the root_crate or the workspace_members.
, rootFeatures ? [ "default" ]
# If true, throw errors instead of issueing deprecation warnings.
, strictDeprecation ? false
# Used for conditional compilation based on CPU feature detection.
, targetFeatures ? []
# Whether to perform release builds: longer compile times, faster binaries.
, release ? true
# Additional crate2nix configuration if it exists.
, crateConfig
? if builtins.pathExists ./crate-config.nix
then pkgs.callPackage ./crate-config.nix {}
else {}
rec {
# "public" attributes that we attempt to keep stable with new versions of crate2nix.
# Refer your crate build derivation by name here.
# You can override the features with
# workspaceMembers."${crateName}".build.override { features = [ "default" "feature1" ... ]; }.
workspaceMembers = {
"authdb" = rec {
packageId = "authdb";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "authdb";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"changeset" = rec {
packageId = "changeset";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "changeset";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"config" = rec {
packageId = "config";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "config";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"config-derive" = rec {
packageId = "config-derive";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "config-derive";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"coordinates" = rec {
packageId = "coordinates";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "coordinates";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"cyber-slides" = rec {
packageId = "cyber-slides";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "cyber-slides";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"cyberpunk" = rec {
packageId = "cyberpunk";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "cyberpunk";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"cyberpunk-splash" = rec {
packageId = "cyberpunk-splash";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "cyberpunk-splash";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"dashboard" = rec {
packageId = "dashboard";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "dashboard";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"emseries" = rec {
packageId = "emseries";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "emseries";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"file-service" = rec {
packageId = "file-service";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "file-service";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"fitnesstrax" = rec {
packageId = "fitnesstrax";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "fitnesstrax";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"fluent-ergonomics" = rec {
packageId = "fluent-ergonomics";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "fluent-ergonomics";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"ft-core" = rec {
packageId = "ft-core";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "ft-core";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"geo-types" = rec {
packageId = "geo-types";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "geo-types";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"gm-control-panel" = rec {
packageId = "gm-control-panel";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "gm-control-panel";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"gm-dash" = rec {
packageId = "gm-dash";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "gm-dash";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"hex-grid" = rec {
packageId = "hex-grid";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "hex-grid";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"icon-test" = rec {
packageId = "icon-test";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "icon-test";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"lights-core" = rec {
packageId = "lights-core";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "lights-core";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"memorycache" = rec {
packageId = "memorycache";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "memorycache";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"nom-training" = rec {
packageId = "nom-training";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "nom-training";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"otg-core" = rec {
packageId = "otg-core";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "otg-core";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"otg-gtk" = rec {
packageId = "otg-gtk";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "otg-gtk";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"result-extended" = rec {
packageId = "result-extended";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "result-extended";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"screenplay" = rec {
packageId = "screenplay";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "screenplay";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"sgf" = rec {
packageId = "sgf";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "sgf";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"simulator" = rec {
packageId = "simulator";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "simulator";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"timezone-testing" = rec {
packageId = "timezone-testing";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "timezone-testing";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"tree" = rec {
packageId = "tree";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "tree";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
"visions" = rec {
packageId = "visions";
build = internal.buildRustCrateWithFeatures {
packageId = "visions";
# Debug support which might change between releases.
# File a bug if you depend on any for non-debug work!
debug = internal.debugCrate { inherit packageId; };
# A derivation that joins the outputs of all workspace members together.
allWorkspaceMembers = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = "all-workspace-members";
paths =
let members = builtins.attrValues workspaceMembers;
in builtins.map (m: m.build) members;
# "internal" ("private") attributes that may change in every new version of crate2nix.
internal = rec {
# Build and dependency information for crates.
# Many of the fields are passed one-to-one to buildRustCrate.
# Noteworthy:
# * `dependencies`/`buildDependencies`: similar to the corresponding fields for buildRustCrate.
# but with additional information which is used during dependency/feature resolution.
# * `resolvedDependencies`: the selected default features reported by cargo - only included for debugging.
# * `devDependencies` as of now not used by `buildRustCrate` but used to
# inject test dependencies into the build
crates = {
"addr2line" = rec {
crateName = "addr2line";
version = "0.24.2";
edition = "2018";
crateBin = [];
sha256 = "1hd1i57zxgz08j6h5qrhsnm2fi0bcqvsh389fw400xm3arz2ggnz";
dependencies = [
name = "gimli";
packageId = "gimli";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "read" ];
features = {
"all" = [ "bin" ];
"alloc" = [ "dep:alloc" ];
"bin" = [ "loader" "rustc-demangle" "cpp_demangle" "fallible-iterator" "smallvec" "dep:clap" ];
"compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
"core" = [ "dep:core" ];
"cpp_demangle" = [ "dep:cpp_demangle" ];
"default" = [ "rustc-demangle" "cpp_demangle" "loader" "fallible-iterator" "smallvec" ];
"fallible-iterator" = [ "dep:fallible-iterator" ];
"loader" = [ "std" "dep:object" "dep:memmap2" "dep:typed-arena" ];
"rustc-demangle" = [ "dep:rustc-demangle" ];
"rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "alloc" "compiler_builtins" "gimli/rustc-dep-of-std" ];
"smallvec" = [ "dep:smallvec" ];
"std" = [ "gimli/std" ];
"adler" = rec {
crateName = "adler";
version = "1.0.2";
edition = "2015";
sha256 = "1zim79cvzd5yrkzl3nyfx0avijwgk9fqv3yrscdy1cc79ih02qpj";
authors = [
"Jonas Schievink <jonasschievink@gmail.com>"
features = {
"compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
"core" = [ "dep:core" ];
"default" = [ "std" ];
"rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
"adler2" = rec {
crateName = "adler2";
version = "2.0.0";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "09r6drylvgy8vv8k20lnbvwq8gp09h7smfn6h1rxsy15pgh629si";
authors = [
"Jonas Schievink <jonasschievink@gmail.com>"
"oyvindln <oyvindln@users.noreply.github.com>"
features = {
"compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
"core" = [ "dep:core" ];
"default" = [ "std" ];
"rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
"adler32" = rec {
crateName = "adler32";
version = "1.2.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "0d7jq7jsjyhsgbhnfq5fvrlh9j0i9g1fqrl2735ibv5f75yjgqda";
authors = [
"Remi Rampin <remirampin@gmail.com>"
features = {
"compiler_builtins" = [ "dep:compiler_builtins" ];
"core" = [ "dep:core" ];
"default" = [ "std" ];
"rustc-dep-of-std" = [ "core" "compiler_builtins" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"ahash" = rec {
crateName = "ahash";
version = "0.8.11";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "04chdfkls5xmhp1d48gnjsmglbqibizs3bpbj6rsj604m10si7g8";
authors = [
"Tom Kaitchuck <Tom.Kaitchuck@gmail.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "cfg-if";
packageId = "cfg-if";
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
target = { target, features }: (!(("arm" == target."arch") && ("none" == target."os")));
features = [ "alloc" ];
name = "zerocopy";
packageId = "zerocopy";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = [ "simd" ];
buildDependencies = [
name = "version_check";
packageId = "version_check 0.9.5";
features = {
"atomic-polyfill" = [ "dep:atomic-polyfill" "once_cell/atomic-polyfill" ];
"compile-time-rng" = [ "const-random" ];
"const-random" = [ "dep:const-random" ];
"default" = [ "std" "runtime-rng" ];
"getrandom" = [ "dep:getrandom" ];
"runtime-rng" = [ "getrandom" ];
"serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
"aho-corasick" = rec {
crateName = "aho-corasick";
version = "1.1.3";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "05mrpkvdgp5d20y2p989f187ry9diliijgwrs254fs9s1m1x6q4f";
libName = "aho_corasick";
authors = [
"Andrew Gallant <jamslam@gmail.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "memchr";
packageId = "memchr";
optional = true;
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
features = {
"default" = [ "std" "perf-literal" ];
"logging" = [ "dep:log" ];
"perf-literal" = [ "dep:memchr" ];
"std" = [ "memchr?/std" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "perf-literal" "std" ];
"allocator-api2" = rec {
crateName = "allocator-api2";
version = "0.2.21";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "08zrzs022xwndihvzdn78yqarv2b9696y67i6h78nla3ww87jgb8";
libName = "allocator_api2";
authors = [
"Zakarum <zaq.dev@icloud.com>"
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
"std" = [ "alloc" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" ];
"android-tzdata" = rec {
crateName = "android-tzdata";
version = "0.1.1";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "1w7ynjxrfs97xg3qlcdns4kgfpwcdv824g611fq32cag4cdr96g9";
libName = "android_tzdata";
authors = [
"android_system_properties" = rec {
crateName = "android_system_properties";
version = "0.1.5";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "04b3wrz12837j7mdczqd95b732gw5q7q66cv4yn4646lvccp57l1";
authors = [
"Nicolas Silva <nical@fastmail.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "libc";
packageId = "libc";
"annotate-snippets" = rec {
crateName = "annotate-snippets";
version = "0.9.2";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "07p8r6jzb7nqydq0kr5pllckqcdxlyld2g275v425axnzffpxbyc";
libName = "annotate_snippets";
authors = [
"Zibi Braniecki <gandalf@mozilla.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "unicode-width";
packageId = "unicode-width";
name = "yansi-term";
packageId = "yansi-term";
optional = true;
devDependencies = [
name = "yansi-term";
packageId = "yansi-term";
features = {
"color" = [ "yansi-term" ];
"yansi-term" = [ "dep:yansi-term" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "color" "default" "yansi-term" ];
"anstream" = rec {
crateName = "anstream";
version = "0.6.18";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "16sjk4x3ns2c3ya1x28a44kh6p47c7vhk27251i015hik1lm7k4a";
dependencies = [
name = "anstyle";
packageId = "anstyle";
name = "anstyle-parse";
packageId = "anstyle-parse";
name = "anstyle-query";
packageId = "anstyle-query";
optional = true;
name = "anstyle-wincon";
packageId = "anstyle-wincon";
optional = true;
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
name = "colorchoice";
packageId = "colorchoice";
name = "is_terminal_polyfill";
packageId = "is_terminal_polyfill";
name = "utf8parse";
packageId = "utf8parse";
features = {
"auto" = [ "dep:anstyle-query" ];
"default" = [ "auto" "wincon" ];
"wincon" = [ "dep:anstyle-wincon" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "auto" "default" "wincon" ];
"anstyle" = rec {
crateName = "anstyle";
version = "1.0.10";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1yai2vppmd7zlvlrp9grwll60knrmscalf8l2qpfz8b7y5lkpk2m";
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"anstyle-parse" = rec {
crateName = "anstyle-parse";
version = "0.2.6";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1acqayy22fwzsrvr6n0lz6a4zvjjcvgr5sm941m7m0b2fr81cb9v";
libName = "anstyle_parse";
dependencies = [
name = "utf8parse";
packageId = "utf8parse";
optional = true;
features = {
"core" = [ "dep:arrayvec" ];
"default" = [ "utf8" ];
"utf8" = [ "dep:utf8parse" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "utf8" ];
"anstyle-query" = rec {
crateName = "anstyle-query";
version = "1.1.2";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "036nm3lkyk43xbps1yql3583fp4hg3b1600is7mcyxs1gzrpm53r";
libName = "anstyle_query";
dependencies = [
name = "windows-sys";
packageId = "windows-sys 0.59.0";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
features = [ "Win32_System_Console" "Win32_Foundation" ];
"anstyle-wincon" = rec {
crateName = "anstyle-wincon";
version = "3.0.7";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "0kmf0fq4c8yribdpdpylzz1zccpy84hizmcsac3wrac1f7kk8dfa";
libName = "anstyle_wincon";
dependencies = [
name = "anstyle";
packageId = "anstyle";
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
name = "windows-sys";
packageId = "windows-sys 0.59.0";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
features = [ "Win32_System_Console" "Win32_Foundation" ];
"anyhow" = rec {
crateName = "anyhow";
version = "1.0.95";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "010vd1ki8w84dzgx6c81sc8qm9n02fxic1gkpv52zp4nwrn0kb1l";
authors = [
"David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
features = {
"backtrace" = [ "dep:backtrace" ];
"default" = [ "std" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"assert-json-diff" = rec {
crateName = "assert-json-diff";
version = "2.0.2";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "04mg3w0rh3schpla51l18362hsirl23q93aisws2irrj32wg5r27";
libName = "assert_json_diff";
authors = [
"David Pedersen <david.pdrsn@gmail.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde 1.0.217";
name = "serde_json";
packageId = "serde_json";
devDependencies = [
name = "serde";
packageId = "serde 1.0.217";
features = [ "derive" ];
"async-channel 1.9.0" = rec {
crateName = "async-channel";
version = "1.9.0";
edition = "2018";
sha256 = "0dbdlkzlncbibd3ij6y6jmvjd0cmdn48ydcfdpfhw09njd93r5c1";
libName = "async_channel";
authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "concurrent-queue";
packageId = "concurrent-queue";
name = "event-listener";
packageId = "event-listener 2.5.3";
name = "futures-core";
packageId = "futures-core";
"async-channel 2.3.1" = rec {
crateName = "async-channel";
version = "2.3.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "0skvwxj6ysfc6d7bhczz9a2550260g62bm5gl0nmjxxyn007id49";
libName = "async_channel";
authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "concurrent-queue";
packageId = "concurrent-queue";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "event-listener-strategy";
packageId = "event-listener-strategy";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "futures-core";
packageId = "futures-core";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "pin-project-lite";
packageId = "pin-project-lite";
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"std" = [ "concurrent-queue/std" "event-listener-strategy/std" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "default" "std" ];
"async-executor" = rec {
crateName = "async-executor";
version = "1.13.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1v6w1dbvsmw6cs4dk4lxj5dvrikc6xi479wikwaab2qy3h09mjih";
libName = "async_executor";
authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
"John Nunley <dev@notgull.net>"
dependencies = [
name = "async-task";
packageId = "async-task";
name = "concurrent-queue";
packageId = "concurrent-queue";
name = "fastrand";
packageId = "fastrand";
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite";
usesDefaultFeatures = false;
target = { target, features }: (builtins.elem "wasm" target."family");
features = [ "std" ];
name = "slab";
packageId = "slab";
devDependencies = [
name = "fastrand";
packageId = "fastrand";
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite";
features = {
"async-global-executor" = rec {
crateName = "async-global-executor";
version = "2.4.1";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "1762s45cc134d38rrv0hyp41hv4iv6nmx59vswid2p0il8rvdc85";
libName = "async_global_executor";
authors = [
"Marc-Antoine Perennou <Marc-Antoine@Perennou.com>"
dependencies = [
name = "async-channel";
packageId = "async-channel 2.3.1";
name = "async-executor";
packageId = "async-executor";
name = "async-io";
packageId = "async-io";
optional = true;
name = "async-lock";
packageId = "async-lock";
name = "blocking";
packageId = "blocking";
name = "futures-lite";
packageId = "futures-lite";
name = "once_cell";
packageId = "once_cell";
features = {
"async-io" = [ "dep:async-io" ];
"default" = [ "async-io" ];
"tokio" = [ "tokio-crate" ];
"tokio-crate" = [ "dep:tokio-crate" ];
"tokio02" = [ "tokio02-crate" ];
"tokio02-crate" = [ "dep:tokio02-crate" ];
"tokio03" = [ "tokio03-crate" ];
"tokio03-crate" = [ "dep:tokio03-crate" ];
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"async-io" = rec {
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"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
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name = "windows-sys";
packageId = "windows-sys 0.59.0";
target = { target, features }: (target."windows" or false);
features = [ "Win32_Foundation" ];
"async-lock" = rec {
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edition = "2021";
sha256 = "060vh45i809wcqyxzs5g69nqiqah7ydz0hpkcjys9258vqn4fvpz";
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"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
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"loom" = [ "event-listener/loom" "dep:loom" ];
"std" = [ "event-listener/std" "event-listener-strategy/std" ];
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"async-std" = rec {
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authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
"Yoshua Wuyts <yoshuawuyts@gmail.com>"
"Friedel Ziegelmayer <me@dignifiedquire.com>"
"Contributors to async-std"
dependencies = [
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name = "async-global-executor";
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target = { target, features }: (!("unknown" == target."os"));
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optional = true;
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"async-channel" = [ "dep:async-channel" ];
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"async-io" = [ "dep:async-io" ];
"async-lock" = [ "dep:async-lock" ];
"async-process" = [ "dep:async-process" ];
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"futures-channel" = [ "dep:futures-channel" ];
"futures-core" = [ "dep:futures-core" ];
"futures-io" = [ "dep:futures-io" ];
"futures-lite" = [ "dep:futures-lite" ];
"gloo-timers" = [ "dep:gloo-timers" ];
"kv-log-macro" = [ "dep:kv-log-macro" ];
"log" = [ "dep:log" ];
"memchr" = [ "dep:memchr" ];
"once_cell" = [ "dep:once_cell" ];
"pin-project-lite" = [ "dep:pin-project-lite" ];
"pin-utils" = [ "dep:pin-utils" ];
"slab" = [ "dep:slab" ];
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"surf" = [ "dep:surf" ];
"tokio02" = [ "async-global-executor/tokio02" ];
"tokio03" = [ "async-global-executor/tokio03" ];
"tokio1" = [ "async-global-executor/tokio" ];
"unstable" = [ "std" "async-io" "async-process" ];
"wasm-bindgen-futures" = [ "dep:wasm-bindgen-futures" ];
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"async-task" = rec {
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sha256 = "1pp3avr4ri2nbh7s6y9ws0397nkx1zymmcr14sq761ljarh3axcb";
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authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"portable-atomic" = [ "dep:portable-atomic" ];
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"async-trait" = rec {
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libName = "async_trait";
authors = [
"David Tolnay <dtolnay@gmail.com>"
dependencies = [
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"atoi" = rec {
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"Markus Klein"
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"std" = [ "num-traits/std" ];
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"atomic-waker" = rec {
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authors = [
"Stjepan Glavina <stjepang@gmail.com>"
"Contributors to futures-rs"
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"portable-atomic" = [ "dep:portable-atomic" ];
"authdb" = rec {
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# We can't filter paths with references in Nix 2.4
# See https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/5410
src = if ((lib.versionOlder builtins.nixVersion "2.4pre20211007") || (lib.versionOlder "2.5" builtins.nixVersion ))
then lib.cleanSourceWith { filter = sourceFilter; src = ./authdb; }
else ./authdb;
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"auto-future" = rec {
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"Joseph Lenton <josephlenton@gmail.com>"
"autocfg 0.1.8" = rec {
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"Josh Stone <cuviper@gmail.com>"
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"autocfg 1.4.0" = rec {
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"Josh Stone <cuviper@gmail.com>"
"axum" = rec {
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"form" = [ "dep:serde_urlencoded" ];
"http1" = [ "dep:hyper" "hyper?/http1" "hyper-util?/http1" ];
"http2" = [ "dep:hyper" "hyper?/http2" "hyper-util?/http2" ];
"json" = [ "dep:serde_json" "dep:serde_path_to_error" ];
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"multipart" = [ "dep:multer" ];
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"tokio" = [ "dep:hyper-util" "dep:tokio" "tokio/net" "tokio/rt" "tower/make" "tokio/macros" ];
"tower-log" = [ "tower/log" ];
"tracing" = [ "dep:tracing" "axum-core/tracing" ];
"ws" = [ "dep:hyper" "tokio" "dep:tokio-tungstenite" "dep:sha1" "dep:base64" ];
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"axum-core" = rec {
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"__private_docs" = [ "dep:tower-http" ];
"tracing" = [ "dep:tracing" ];
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"axum-macros" = rec {
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version = "0.4.2";
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"__private" = [ "syn/visit-mut" ];
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"axum-test" = rec {
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sha256 = "1p5qxacvxsagnqq30nr2wznjyhgb8svsfb925ah3d2b0s91s9qv3";
libName = "axum_test";
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"Joseph Lenton <josephlenton@gmail.com>"
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"all" = [ "pretty-assertions" "yaml" "msgpack" "reqwest" "shuttle" "typed-routing" "ws" ];
"default" = [ "pretty-assertions" ];
"msgpack" = [ "dep:rmp-serde" ];
"pretty-assertions" = [ "dep:pretty_assertions" ];
"reqwest" = [ "dep:reqwest" ];
"shuttle" = [ "dep:shuttle-axum" ];
"typed-routing" = [ "dep:axum-extra" ];
"ws" = [ "axum/ws" "tokio/time" "dep:uuid" "dep:base64" "dep:tokio-tungstenite" "dep:futures-util" ];
"yaml" = [ "dep:serde_yaml" ];
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"az" = rec {
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edition = "2018";
sha256 = "0ww9k1w3al7x5qmb7f13v3s9c2pg1pdxbs8xshqy6zyrchj4qzkv";
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"backtrace" = rec {
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edition = "2021";
sha256 = "06pfif7nwx66qf2zaanc2fcq7m64i91ki9imw9xd3bnz5hrwp0ld";
authors = [
"The Rust Project Developers"
dependencies = [
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name = "cfg-if";
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packageId = "libc";
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target = { target, features }: (!((target."windows" or false) && ("msvc" == target."env") && (!("uwp" == target."vendor"))));
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features = {
"cpp_demangle" = [ "dep:cpp_demangle" ];
"default" = [ "std" ];
"serde" = [ "dep:serde" ];
"serialize-serde" = [ "serde" ];
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"base64 0.21.7" = rec {
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authors = [
"Alice Maz <alice@alicemaz.com>"
"Marshall Pierce <marshall@mpierce.org>"
features = {
"default" = [ "std" ];
"std" = [ "alloc" ];
resolvedDefaultFeatures = [ "alloc" "default" "std" ];
"base64 0.22.1" = rec {
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edition = "2018";
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"Marshall Pierce <marshall@mpierce.org>"
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"std" = [ "alloc" ];
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"base64 0.9.3" = rec {
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sha256 = "0hs62r35bgxslawyrn1vp9rmvrkkm76fqv0vqcwd048vs876r7a8";
authors = [
"Alice Maz <alice@alicemaz.com>"
"Marshall Pierce <marshall@mpierce.org>"
dependencies = [
name = "byteorder";
packageId = "byteorder";
name = "safemem";
packageId = "safemem";
"base64ct" = rec {
crateName = "base64ct";
version = "1.6.0";
edition = "2021";
sha256 = "0nvdba4jb8aikv60az40x2w1y96sjdq8z3yp09rwzmkhiwv1lg4c";
authors = [
"RustCrypto Developers"
features = {
"s |