use avr_mcu::*; use std::io; use std::io::prelude::*; pub fn write_registers(mcu: &Mcu, w: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), io::Error> { for register in mcu.registers() { let ty = if register.size == 1 { "u8" } else { "u16" }; // HACK: Skip, atmeg328p pack defines two of these. if == "GTCCR" { continue; } writeln!(w, "pub struct {};",; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "impl {} {{",; for bitfield in register.bitfields.iter() { // Create a mask for the whole bitset. writeln!(w, " pub const {}: RegisterBits = RegisterBits::new(0x{:x});",, bitfield.mask)?; // We create masks for the individual bits in the field if there // is more than one bit in the field. let mut current_mask = bitfield.mask; let mut current_mask_bit_num = 0; for current_register_bit_num in 0..15 { if (current_mask & 0b1) == 0b1 { writeln!(w, " pub const {}{}: RegisterBits = RegisterBits::new(1<<{});",, current_mask_bit_num, current_register_bit_num)?; current_mask_bit_num += 1; } current_mask >>= 1; } writeln!(w)?; } writeln!(w, "}}")?; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "impl Register for {} {{",; writeln!(w, " type T = {};", ty)?; writeln!(w, " const ADDRESS: *mut {} = 0x{:x} as *mut {};", ty, register.offset, ty)?; writeln!(w, "}}")?; } Ok(()) } pub fn write_pins(mcu: &Mcu, w: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if let Some(port) = mcu.peripheral("PORT") { writeln!(w, "pub mod port {{")?; writeln!(w, " use super::*;")?; writeln!(w, " use Pin;")?; writeln!(w)?; for instance in port.instances.iter() { let port_letter =; for signal in instance.signals.iter() { let idx = signal.index.expect("signal with no index"); let struct_name = format!("{}{}", port_letter, idx); let io_module = mcu.modules.iter().find(|m| == "PORT") .expect("no port io module defined for this port"); let register_group = io_module.register_groups.iter() .find(|rg| == .expect("no register group defined for this port"); writeln!(w, " pub struct {};", struct_name)?; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, " impl Pin for {} {{", struct_name)?; for reg in register_group.registers.iter() { let mut const_name =; const_name.pop(); // Pop port character from register name (DDRB/PORTB/etc).. writeln!(w, " /// {}.", reg.caption)?; writeln!(w, " type {} = {};", const_name,; } writeln!(w, " /// {}", signal.pad)?; writeln!(w, " const MASK: u8 = 1<<{};", idx)?; writeln!(w, " }}")?; writeln!(w)?; } } writeln!(w, "}}")?; writeln!(w)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn write_spi_modules(mcu: &Mcu, w: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if let Some(module) = mcu.module("SPI") { let peripheral = mcu.peripheral("SPI").expect("found SPI module but no peripheral"); let port_peripheral = mcu.port_peripheral(); writeln!(w, "pub struct Spi;")?; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "impl modules::HardwareSpi for Spi {{")?; for spi_signal in peripheral.signals() { let spi_signal_name ="spi signal does not have group name"); let (port_instance, port_signal) = port_peripheral.instance_signal_with_pad(&spi_signal.pad) .expect("no port signal associated with the spi signal pad"); let pin_name = self::pin_name(port_instance, port_signal); let const_name = match &spi_signal_name[..] { "MISO" => "MasterInSlaveOut", "MOSI" => "MasterOutSlaveIn", "SCK" => "Clock", "SS" => "SlaveSelect", _ => panic!("unknown spi signal name: '{}'", spi_signal_name), }; writeln!(w, " type {} = {};", const_name, pin_name)?; } for reg in module.registers() { let const_name = match ®.caption[..] { "SPI Data Register" => "DataRegister", "SPI Status Register" => "StatusRegister", "SPI Control Register" => "ControlRegister", _ => panic!("unknown SPI module register: {}", reg.caption), }; writeln!(w, " type {} = {};", const_name,; } writeln!(w, "}}")?; writeln!(w)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn write_usarts(mcu: &Mcu, w: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if let Some(module) = mcu.module("USART") { for usart in module.register_groups.iter() { writeln!(w, "/// The {} module.",; writeln!(w, "pub struct {};",; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "impl modules::HardwareUsart for {} {{",; for register in usart.registers.iter() { let reg_ty = if"UDR") { // the data register. "DataRegister".to_owned() } else if"UCSR") { // one of the three control/status registers. let suffix =; format!("ControlRegister{}", suffix) } else if"UBRR") { // the baud rate register. "BaudRateRegister".to_owned() } else { panic!("unknown usart register '{}'",; }; writeln!(w, " type {} = {};", reg_ty,; } writeln!(w, "}}")?; writeln!(w)?; } } Ok(()) } pub fn write_timers(mcu: &Mcu, w: &mut dyn Write) -> Result<(), io::Error> { if let Some(tc) = mcu.module("TC8") { // Timer/Counter, 8-bit. const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = "Timer8"; let find_reg = |name: &'static str| { tc.registers().find(|r| .expect(&format!("could not find '{}' register", name)) }; let find_reg_suffix = |name: &'static str, suffix: &'static str| { tc.registers().find(|r| && .expect(&format!("could not find '{}' register", name)) }; let timer_number = find_reg("TIMSK").name.chars().last().unwrap() .to_digit(10).unwrap(); writeln!(w, "/// 8-bit timer.")?; writeln!(w, "pub struct {};", TYPE_NAME)?; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "impl modules::Timer8 for {} {{", TYPE_NAME)?; writeln!(w, " type CompareA = {};", find_reg_suffix("OCR", "A").name)?; writeln!(w, " type CompareB = {};", find_reg_suffix("OCR", "B").name)?; writeln!(w, " type Counter = {};", find_reg("TCNT").name)?; writeln!(w, " type ControlA = {};", find_reg_suffix("TCCR", "A").name)?; writeln!(w, " type ControlB = {};", find_reg_suffix("TCCR", "B").name)?; writeln!(w, " type InterruptMask = {};", find_reg("TIMSK").name)?; writeln!(w, " type InterruptFlag = {};", find_reg("TIFR").name)?; writeln!(w, " const CS0: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::CS00;")?; writeln!(w, " const CS1: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::CS01;")?; writeln!(w, " const CS2: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::CS02;")?; writeln!(w, " const WGM0: RegisterBits = Self::ControlA::WGM00;")?; writeln!(w, " const WGM1: RegisterBits = Self::ControlA::WGM01;")?; writeln!(w, " const WGM2: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::WGM020;")?; writeln!(w, " const OCIEA: RegisterBits = Self::InterruptMask::OCIE{}A;", timer_number)?; writeln!(w, "}}")?; } if let Some(tc) = mcu.module("TC16") { // Timer/Counter, 16-bit. const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = "Timer16"; let find_reg = |name: &'static str| { tc.registers().find(|r| .expect(&format!("could not find '{}' register", name)) }; let find_reg_suffix = |name: &'static str, suffix: &'static str| { tc.registers().find(|r| && .expect(&format!("could not find '{}' register", name)) }; let timer_number = find_reg("TIMSK").name.chars().last().unwrap() .to_digit(10).unwrap(); writeln!(w, "/// 16-bit timer.")?; writeln!(w, "pub struct {};", TYPE_NAME)?; writeln!(w)?; writeln!(w, "impl modules::Timer16 for {} {{", TYPE_NAME)?; writeln!(w, " type CompareA = {};", find_reg_suffix("OCR", "A").name)?; writeln!(w, " type CompareB = {};", find_reg_suffix("OCR", "B").name)?; writeln!(w, " type Counter = {};", find_reg("TCNT").name)?; writeln!(w, " type ControlA = {};", find_reg_suffix("TCCR", "A").name)?; writeln!(w, " type ControlB = {};", find_reg_suffix("TCCR", "B").name)?; writeln!(w, " type ControlC = {};", find_reg_suffix("TCCR", "C").name)?; writeln!(w, " type InterruptMask = {};", find_reg("TIMSK").name)?; writeln!(w, " type InterruptFlag = {};", find_reg("TIFR").name)?; writeln!(w, " const CS0: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::CS10;")?; writeln!(w, " const CS1: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::CS11;")?; writeln!(w, " const CS2: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::CS12;")?; writeln!(w, " const WGM0: RegisterBits = Self::ControlA::WGM10;")?; writeln!(w, " const WGM1: RegisterBits = Self::ControlA::WGM11;")?; writeln!(w, " const WGM2: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::WGM10;")?; writeln!(w, " const WGM3: RegisterBits = Self::ControlB::WGM11;")?; writeln!(w, " const OCIEA: RegisterBits = Self::InterruptMask::OCIE{}A;", timer_number)?; writeln!(w, "}}")?; } Ok(()) } /// Gets the name of a pin. fn pin_name(instance: &Instance, signal: &Signal) -> String { let idx = signal.index.expect("signal with no index"); let letter =; format!("port::{}{}", letter, idx) }