# Ruduino This library provides a set of reusable components for the Arduino Uno. ## Overview ### Register and bit definitions ```rust use ruduino::PORTB; // Register use ruduino::PORTB7; // Pin ``` ### Prelude Disable interrupts. ```rust without_interrupts(|| { unsafe { write_volatile(DDRB, 0xFF) } }) ``` ### Timers Configure a timer. ```rust const CPU_FREQUENCY_HZ: u64 = 16_000_000; const DESIRED_HZ_TIM1: f64 = 2.0; const TIM1_PRESCALER: u64 = 1024; const INTERRUPT_EVERY_1_HZ_1024_PRESCALER: u16 = ((CPU_FREQUENCY_HZ as f64 / (DESIRED_HZ_TIM1 * TIM1_PRESCALER as f64)) as u64 - 1) as u16; timer1::Timer::new() .waveform_generation_mode(timer1::WaveformGenerationMode::ClearOnTimerMatchOutputCompare) .clock_source(timer1::ClockSource::Prescale1024) .output_compare_1(Some(INTERRUPT_EVERY_1_HZ_1024_PRESCALER)) .configure(); ``` Set up an interrupt handler that will be called when the timer fires. ```rust #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "avr-interrupt" fn _ivr_timer1_compare_a() { let prev_value = read_volatile(PORTB); write_volatile(PORTB, prev_value ^ PINB5); } ``` ### Hardware Serial Port Configure the serial port. ```rust const CPU_FREQUENCY_HZ: u64 = 16_000_000; const BAUD: u64 = 9600; const UBRR: u16 = (CPU_FREQUENCY_HZ / 16 / BAUD - 1) as u16; serial::Serial::new(UBRR) .character_size(serial::CharacterSize::EightBits) .mode(serial::Mode::Asynchronous) .parity(serial::Parity::Disabled) .stop_bits(serial::StopBits::OneBit) .configure(); ``` Transmit a sequence of bytes. ```rust for &b in b"OK" { serial::transmit(b); } ``` Read a byte if there's something available. ```rust if let Some(b) = serial::try_receive() { serial::transmit(b); serial::transmit(b); } ```