• Joined on 2022-09-24
savanni merged pull request savanni/monorepo#161 2024-01-20 20:17:27 +00:00
Create a view model for the day details
savanni created pull request savanni/monorepo#161 2024-01-20 20:16:08 +00:00
Create a view model for the day details
savanni pushed to fitnesstrax/detail-view-model at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-20 20:06:08 +00:00
9bedb7a76c Tons of linting and get tests running again
savanni pushed to fitnesstrax/detail-view-model at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-20 16:16:57 +00:00
1fe318068b Set up a view model for the day detail view
savanni created branch fitnesstrax/detail-view-model in savanni/monorepo 2024-01-18 14:02:12 +00:00
savanni pushed to fitnesstrax/detail-view-model at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-18 14:02:12 +00:00
18e7e4fe2f Start setting up the day detail view model
savanni pushed to main at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-18 12:56:57 +00:00
1c2c4982a1 Update the record in the detail view on save
c075b7ed6e Just barely get the data saveable again
56d0a53666 Fix how DayEdit deals with the weight field
b00acc64a3 Set up the ActionGroup component
104760c754 Be able to switch into edit mode
Compare 7 commits »
savanni deleted branch fitnesstrax/swappable from savanni/monorepo 2024-01-18 12:56:57 +00:00
savanni merged pull request savanni/monorepo#160 2024-01-18 12:56:56 +00:00
Create a swappable UI component
savanni created pull request savanni/monorepo#160 2024-01-18 12:48:45 +00:00
Create a swappable UI component
savanni pushed to fitnesstrax/swappable at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-18 12:43:31 +00:00
1c2c4982a1 Update the record in the detail view on save
savanni pushed to fitnesstrax/swappable at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-18 12:11:57 +00:00
c075b7ed6e Just barely get the data saveable again
56d0a53666 Fix how DayEdit deals with the weight field
b00acc64a3 Set up the ActionGroup component
Compare 3 commits »
savanni pushed to fitnesstrax/swappable at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-16 04:30:09 +00:00
104760c754 Be able to switch into edit mode
savanni created branch fitnesstrax/swappable in savanni/monorepo 2024-01-15 20:55:35 +00:00
savanni pushed to fitnesstrax/swappable at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-15 20:55:35 +00:00
1e6555ef61 Create a day detail view
2e2ff6b47e Create a Singleton component and use it to simplify the weight view
Compare 2 commits »
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#159 2024-01-15 17:50:51 +00:00
Players can see the cards within a few seconds of the GM revealing them.
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#158 2024-01-15 17:50:31 +00:00
The GM can create a card with written text and designate it to be visible to the users
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#157 2024-01-15 17:50:03 +00:00
The admin can designate GM and player users
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#156 2024-01-15 17:49:42 +00:00
The admin can create users
savanni pushed to main at savanni/monorepo 2024-01-09 13:11:11 +00:00
2d22397382 Bump the dashboard version