Build a color test pattern.
Tweak the bit-banging code to get the protocol right
Try controlling dotstars through SPI and through bit-banging
Set up a blink application for the raspberry pi pico
Set up build tools for the raspberry pi, along with a demo program for controlling SK9822 lights.
Set up build tools for the raspberry pi, along with a demo program for controlling SK9822 lights.
Build a color test pattern.
Tweak the bit-banging code to get the protocol right
Create configuration settings for the app
Be able to select a range of dates to be displayed
Be able to record a weight associated with a date in the GUI app
Import step counting from a pine watch
Calculate the weighted average of my weight over a configurable number of days
Render and record measurements in the user's preferred measurement system
Ensure that dates and times are rendered and parsed according to the user's system settings
Create the fluent-based translation infrastructure
Migrate legacy data to the new structure
Ensure new structures can be recorded to an emseries database