• Joined on 2022-09-24
savanni pushed to main at savanni/advent-of-code 2022-12-05 04:46:45 +00:00
0e475d9264 Clean up the counters
3e3fbd802d Add solution for day 4
Compare 2 commits »
savanni pushed to main at savanni/advent-of-code 2022-12-04 03:21:02 +00:00
27e5979042 Flatted 2022
savanni pushed to main at savanni/advent-of-code 2022-12-04 03:19:50 +00:00
a37cfbed26 Move the 2022 problems into the 2022 directory
savanni pushed to main at savanni/advent-of-code 2022-12-04 03:17:04 +00:00
dfbd28dca3 Day 3 solutions
savanni pushed to main at savanni/advent-of-code 2022-12-02 14:10:29 +00:00
434fdba208 Solution for day 2
savanni renamed repository from advent-of-code-2022 to savanni/advent-of-code 2022-12-01 17:46:43 +00:00
savanni pushed to main at savanni/advent-of-code 2022-12-01 14:46:12 +00:00
0340f23360 Day 1 solution
savanni pushed to invitations at savanni/visions-vtt 2022-11-26 18:34:35 +00:00
8133ebc8bf Start setting up some common structures and building the client library
savanni pushed to invitations at savanni/visions-vtt 2022-11-25 17:49:46 +00:00
deb3415c30 Remove the fallibility testing code
064b754786 Inject failpoints with the fail library
95a597c8ea Try to add some code for test error fuzzing
45df1233e5 Complete the test suite for the authentication DB
Compare 4 commits »
savanni created branch invitations in savanni/visions-vtt 2022-11-20 16:44:46 +00:00
savanni pushed to invitations at savanni/visions-vtt 2022-11-20 16:44:46 +00:00
2c1c19690f Outline test cases for the authentication system
5d33f62be5 Update the flake
772d2c01f4 Finish mocking the user -> session flow
Compare 3 commits »
savanni pushed to main at savanni/visions-vtt 2022-11-18 13:44:45 +00:00
977059c90d Set up the authentication filter
23b28144a1 Set up a bare memory auth context and a few endpoints
6d32a641b1 Implement the authentication API
6e1e4d7811 Set up the database table with users, invitations, and sessions
57b438c6e6 Set up an echo server
Compare 8 commits »
savanni pushed to main at savanni/visions-vtt 2022-11-17 12:40:30 +00:00
ab3ae24b56 Set up the client makefile
62995c9b2f Bootstrap the tauri app
2e06980109 Bootstrap a react application
a4623f53ba Start making the Makefiles
Compare 4 commits »
savanni opened issue savanni/visions-vtt#22 2022-11-16 15:02:18 +00:00
The GM can upload images
savanni opened issue savanni/visions-vtt#21 2022-11-16 15:01:20 +00:00
A player can move their character tokens to any zone
savanni opened issue savanni/visions-vtt#20 2022-11-16 15:01:05 +00:00
The GM can move any token to any zone
savanni opened issue savanni/visions-vtt#19 2022-11-16 15:00:54 +00:00
The GM can split a single map into multiple zones
savanni opened issue savanni/visions-vtt#18 2022-11-16 15:00:36 +00:00
Scene maps constitute distinct zones that can contain a number of character tokens
savanni opened issue savanni/visions-vtt#17 2022-11-16 14:59:38 +00:00
The GM can arrange the maps of the current scene spacially and reveal them when appropriate
savanni opened issue savanni/visions-vtt#16 2022-11-16 14:59:15 +00:00
The GM can associate an arbitrary number of maps with the current scene