• Joined on 2022-09-24
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#3 2023-02-13 22:11:24 +00:00
Play and pause music
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#4 2023-02-13 22:11:24 +00:00
Be able to list and select a player (mpd, rhythmbox, whatever)
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#5 2023-02-13 22:11:24 +00:00
Select and start playing a song
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#6 2023-02-13 22:11:24 +00:00
Add elements to a play queue
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#7 2023-02-13 22:11:24 +00:00
Stream from NPR streams
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#12 2023-02-13 22:11:07 +00:00
Import hex-grid project from its separate repository.
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#13 2023-02-13 22:11:07 +00:00
Load a terrain image and associate it with the abstract Terrain type
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#14 2023-02-13 22:11:07 +00:00
Draw terrain tiles in their correct location
savanni closed issue savanni/monorepo#15 2023-02-13 22:11:07 +00:00
Add a terrain type palette
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#23 2023-02-12 03:25:26 +00:00
Render borders around the hexagons, with the currently selected hexagon highlighted
savanni pushed to main at savanni/monorepo 2023-02-12 03:24:55 +00:00
4163ccb5c2 Draw terrains within their relevant positions on the hex grid (#22)
savanni deleted branch terrain-tiling from savanni/monorepo 2023-02-12 03:24:55 +00:00
savanni merged pull request savanni/monorepo#22 2023-02-12 03:24:54 +00:00
Draw terrains within their relevant positions on the hex grid
savanni created pull request savanni/monorepo#22 2023-02-12 03:24:30 +00:00
Draw terrains within their relevant positions on the hex grid
savanni created branch terrain-tiling in savanni/monorepo 2023-02-12 03:20:46 +00:00
savanni pushed to terrain-tiling at savanni/monorepo 2023-02-12 03:20:46 +00:00
ba9313d585 Render the tiles in the correct space
8520b18629 Create tiles that get rendered in a specified location.
017733bfec Figure out how to clip multiple times
Compare 3 commits »
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#21 2023-02-12 03:18:20 +00:00
Press Ctrl-Q to quit the application
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#20 2023-02-12 03:06:34 +00:00
Save a map to disk
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#19 2023-02-12 03:06:20 +00:00
Read a map from disk
savanni opened issue savanni/monorepo#18 2023-02-12 03:01:50 +00:00
Recode the UI in Rust