Remove channel-based communications #135

savanni merged 3 commits from fitnesstrax/remove-channel-communications into main 2023-12-29 03:21:20 +00:00

Using channels to communicate with the core and back to the UI was turning out to be particularly difficult. Getting data back from the core into the parts of the UI that needed it was just short of impossible.

glib now provides functions which will launch asynchronous operations that still run on the main rendering thread. This allows me to make an async call into the core app from anywhere. Then the core app can move the operation to be done into another thread so that the main UI doesn't get blocked waiting for slow IO operations.

Using channels to communicate with the core and back to the UI was turning out to be particularly difficult. Getting data back from the core into the parts of the UI that needed it was just short of impossible. glib now provides functions which will launch asynchronous operations that still run on the main rendering thread. This allows me to make an async call into the core app from anywhere. Then the core app can move the operation to be done into another thread so that the main UI doesn't get blocked waiting for slow IO operations.
savanni added 2 commits 2023-12-29 02:50:21 +00:00
Swapping is now done in dedicated functions instead of a big pattern

After selecting a database, the app window will apply the configuration
by opening the database, saving the path to configuration, and switching
to the historical view.
savanni force-pushed fitnesstrax/remove-channel-communications from 68b47ffa1a to d269924827 2023-12-29 03:20:46 +00:00 Compare
savanni merged commit d269924827 into main 2023-12-29 03:21:20 +00:00
savanni deleted branch fitnesstrax/remove-channel-communications 2023-12-29 03:21:20 +00:00
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Reference: savanni/monorepo#135
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