Fully define the geometry for a lid for the bike case #255
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
width = 65;
length = 75;
height = 16;
wall_thickness = 2;
guide_thickness = 1;
power_width = 21;
output_width = 37.5;
half_wall_thickness = wall_thickness / 2;
standoff_thickness = 10;
hole_diameter = 3;
// The radius of a nut in mm. However, based on my measurements, I'm not actually sure I have this right. The short height of a nut is 7.86mm. Derive from there.
nut_radius = 8.5 * cos(30) / 2;
nut_height = 2.69; // mm
screw_radius = 2;
handlebar_radius = 15;
clasp_thickness = 4;
clasp_width = 35;
circular_face_count = 48;
module hexagon(r, h) {
pi = 3.1415926;
[r, 0, 0],
[r * cos(60), r * sin(60), 0],
[r * cos(120), r * sin(120), 0],
[r * cos(180), r * sin(180), 0],
[r * cos(240), r * sin(240), 0],
[r * cos(300), r * sin(300), 0],
[r, 0, h],
[r * cos(60), r * sin(60), h],
[r * cos(120), r * sin(120), h],
[r * cos(180), r * sin(180), h],
[r * cos(240), r * sin(240), h],
[r * cos(300), r * sin(300), h],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
[11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6],
[6, 7, 1, 0],
[7, 8, 2, 1],
[8, 9, 3, 2],
[9, 10, 4, 3],
[10, 11, 5, 4],
[11, 6, 0, 5],
// Nut holders are blocks that have a hole drilled through them and a hexagonal-shaped cavity. The idea is to
module nut_holder() {
difference() {
translate([-4.5, -4.5, -2]) cube([9, 9, 4]);
union() {
translate([0, 0, -1]) hexagon(nut_radius, 2);
cylinder(h = 6, r = screw_radius, center = true, $fn = 24);
module screw_hole() {
union() {
translate([0, 0, 4]) cylinder(h = 2.1, r = screw_radius * 2, center = true, $fn = 24);
cylinder(h = 6, r = screw_radius, center = true, $fn = 24);
module base() {
cube([width, length, wall_thickness]);
module face() {
union() {
cube([width, length, wall_thickness / 2]);
translate([wall_thickness, wall_thickness, wall_thickness / 2]) cube([width-wall_thickness*2, length-wall_thickness*2, wall_thickness / 2]);
translate([4.5 + wall_thickness, 4.5 + wall_thickness, 4]) nut_holder();
translate([width - 4.5 - wall_thickness, 4.5 + wall_thickness, 4]) nut_holder();
translate([width - 4.5 - wall_thickness, length - 4.5 - wall_thickness, 4]) nut_holder();
translate([4.5 + wall_thickness, length - 4.5 - wall_thickness, 4]) nut_holder();
module wall(length) {
cube([length, height, wall_thickness]);
module power_wall() {
difference() {
translate([9, 2, -.5]) cube([power_width, height, wall_thickness + 1]);
module output_wall() {
difference() {
translate([9, 2, -.5]) cube([output_width, height, wall_thickness + 1]);
// Use hexagons as cutouts into which I can install a hex nut. This isn't quite right yet, but close.
// hexagon(nut_radius, 1);
// cube([standoff_thickness, standoff_thickness, 2]);
difference() {
union() {
rotate([90, 0, 90]) wall(75);
// translate([width - wall_thickness, 0, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) wall(length);
// rotate([90, 0, 0]) power_wall();
// translate([0, length, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) output_wall();
// translate([wall_thickness,
// wall_thickness,
// wall_thickness]) standoff();
// translate([width - wall_thickness - standoff_thickness,
// wall_thickness,
// wall_thickness]) standoff();
// translate([wall_thickness,
// length - wall_thickness - standoff_thickness,
// wall_thickness]) standoff();
// translate([width - wall_thickness - standoff_thickness,
// length - wall_thickness - standoff_thickness,
// wall_thickness]) standoff();
// translate([-half_wall_thickness, -wall_thickness - half_wall_thickness, height - half_wall_thickness]) cube([wall_thickness, length + wall_thickness * 2, wall_thickness]);
// translate([width - half_wall_thickness, -wall_thickness - half_wall_thickness, height - half_wall_thickness]) cube([wall_thickness, length + wall_thickness * 2, wall_thickness]);
// translate([-half_wall_thickness, -half_wall_thickness, height - half_wall_thickness]) rotate([0, 0, 270]) cube([wall_thickness, width + wall_thickness * 2, wall_thickness]);
// translate([-half_wall_thickness, length + half_wall_thickness, height - half_wall_thickness]) rotate([0, 0, 270]) cube([wall_thickness, width + wall_thickness * 2, wall_thickness]);
module box() {
difference() {
union() {
cube([width, length, wall_thickness * 2]);
translate([0, 0, wall_thickness]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) wall(length);
translate([width - wall_thickness, 0, wall_thickness]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) wall(length);
translate([0, wall_thickness, wall_thickness]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) wall(width);
translate([0, length, wall_thickness]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) wall(width);
translate([4.5 + wall_thickness, 4.5 + wall_thickness, 4]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) screw_hole();
translate([width - 4.5 - wall_thickness, 4.5 + wall_thickness, 4]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) screw_hole();
translate([width - 4.5 - wall_thickness, length - 4.5 - wall_thickness, 4]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) screw_hole();
translate([4.5 + wall_thickness, length - 4.5 - wall_thickness, 4]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) screw_hole();
module top_clasp() {
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(h = clasp_width, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, -clasp_width / 2]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, -clasp_width / 2 + 4]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, clasp_width / 2]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, clasp_width / 2 - 4]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([-handlebar_radius-5, -10, -clasp_width / 2 + 6]) cube([6, 20, clasp_width - 12]);
translate([-0.5, 0, 0]) cylinder(h = clasp_width+2, r = handlebar_radius + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([-0.5, -handlebar_radius - 10, -clasp_width / 2 - 1]) cube([handlebar_radius + 10, handlebar_radius * 2 + 20, clasp_width + 2]);
module body() {
union() {
translate([width / 2, length / 2, -5 - handlebar_radius]) rotate([0, 90, 90]) top_clasp();
translate([width + 10, 0, 0]) face();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
handlebar_radius = 15;
clasp_thickness = 4;
circular_face_count = 48;
clasp_width = 35;
module top_clasp() {
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(h = clasp_width, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, -clasp_width / 2]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, -clasp_width / 2 + 4]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, clasp_width / 2]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, clasp_width / 2 - 4]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([-handlebar_radius-5, -10, -clasp_width / 2 + 6]) cube([6, 20, clasp_width - 12]);
translate([-0.5, 0, 0]) cylinder(h = clasp_width+2, r = handlebar_radius + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([-0.5, -handlebar_radius - 10, -clasp_width / 2 - 1]) cube([handlebar_radius + 10, handlebar_radius * 2 + 20, clasp_width + 2]);
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
module hexagon(r, h) {
cylinder(r = r, h = h, center = 2, $fn = 6);
module pill(length, bevel) {
hull() {
translate([0, 0, (-length / 2) + bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
@ -5,6 +10,27 @@ module pill(length, bevel) {
module rounded_cube(dimensions, bevel = 0) {
x = dimensions[0];
y = dimensions[1];
z = dimensions[2];
if (bevel > 0) {
hull() {
translate([-x / 2 + bevel, -y / 2 + bevel, -z / 2 + bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
translate([ x / 2 - bevel, -y / 2 + bevel, -z / 2 + bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
translate([ x / 2 - bevel, y / 2 - bevel, -z / 2 + bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
translate([-x / 2 + bevel, y / 2 - bevel, -z / 2 + bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
translate([-x / 2 + bevel, -y / 2 + bevel, z / 2 - bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
translate([ x / 2 - bevel, -y / 2 + bevel, z / 2 - bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
translate([ x / 2 - bevel, y / 2 - bevel, z / 2 - bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
translate([-x / 2 + bevel, y / 2 - bevel, z / 2 - bevel]) sphere(r = bevel);
} else {
cube(dimensions, center = true);
module box_face(dimensions, bevel = 0) {
x = dimensions[0];
y = dimensions[1];
@ -48,6 +74,7 @@ module box(length, width, height, bevel = 0) {
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
box_face([width, height, wall_thickness], bevel);
translate([length - wall_thickness + bevel, 0, bevel])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
@ -55,3 +82,11 @@ module box(length, width, height, bevel = 0) {
module box_side_slider(length, width, height) {
difference() {
box_face([width - wall_thickness * 2 + 4, height, wall_thickness], bevel);
translate([-1, -1, 1]) cube([4-threshold, height+2, 4-threshold]);
color("red") translate([width - wall_thickness * 2 + 1, -1, 1]) cube([4-threshold, height+2, 4-threshold]);
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ threshold = 0.1;
board_length = 92;
board_width = 72;
board_height = 21.5;
wall_thickness = 2;
wall_thickness = 4;
bevel = 0.5;
hinge_radius = 2.5;
@ -13,16 +13,63 @@ case_width = board_width + wall_thickness * 2;
case_length = board_length + wall_thickness * 2;
case_height = board_height + wall_thickness;
handlebar_radius = 15;
clasp_thickness = 4;
circular_face_count = 48;
clasp_width = 35;
include <./common.scad>;
module top_clasp() {
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(h = clasp_width, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, -clasp_width / 2]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, -clasp_width / 2 + 4]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, clasp_width / 2]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([0, 0, clasp_width / 2 - 4]) cylinder(h = 1, r = handlebar_radius + clasp_thickness + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([-handlebar_radius-5, -10, -clasp_width / 2 + 6]) cube([6, 20, clasp_width - 12]);
translate([-0.5, 0, 0]) cylinder(h = clasp_width+2, r = handlebar_radius + 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([-0.5, -handlebar_radius - 10, -clasp_width / 2 - 1]) cube([handlebar_radius + 10, handlebar_radius * 2 + 20, clasp_width + 2]);
module hinge(length) {
difference() {
union() {
cylinder(h = length, r = hinge_radius);
translate([0, -hinge_radius, 0])
cube([hinge_radius, hinge_radius * 2, length]);
cube([hinge_radius * 2, length, hinge_radius], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -1.5]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(h = length, r = hinge_radius, center = true);
translate([0, 0, -threshold / 2]) cylinder(h = length + threshold, r = 1);
translate([0, threshold / 2, -1.5]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(h = length + threshold * 2, r = 1, center = true);
module base_case(length, width, height, bevel = 0) {
difference() {
union() {
channel(length + wall_thickness / 2, width, height, bevel);
translate([-bevel, 0, bevel])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
box_face([width, height, wall_thickness], bevel);
// These are the sleds at the bottom of the case that should hold the lower of the two boards down
color("blue") translate([0, wall_thickness - 2, wall_thickness + 4]) cube([length - 8, 4, wall_thickness / 2]);
color("blue") translate([wall_thickness - 2, wall_thickness - 4, wall_thickness + 4]) cube([4, width, wall_thickness / 2]);
color("blue") translate([length - 25, width - wall_thickness * 3 / 2, wall_thickness + 6]) cube([16, wall_thickness, wall_thickness / 2]);
// This makes an indent at the bottom to accomodate solder joins
translate([wall_thickness + 2, wall_thickness + 2, wall_thickness / 2]) cube([length, width - wall_thickness * 2 - 4, wall_thickness / 2 + threshold]);
// This creates a cutout that lets the power plug slide in better.
translate([wall_thickness, width - wall_thickness, wall_thickness]) cube([length, 2, 6]);
// These two put in the slots that should allow the fourth wall to be slotted into place.
color("red") translate([length - 1, wall_thickness - 2, 4]) cube([2, 2, height]);
color("red") translate([length - 1, width - wall_thickness, 4]) cube([2, 2, height]);
@ -33,11 +80,16 @@ module main_case() {
difference() {
union() {
translate([-bevel, 0, bevel])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
box_face([case_width, case_height, wall_thickness], bevel);
translate([0, -hinge_radius - bevel + threshold, hinge_z_offset + bevel])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0])
@ -65,31 +117,94 @@ module main_case() {
rotate([0, 180, 0])
text("right", size = 3);
// translate([case_length / 2, case_width / 2, -20]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) top_clasp();
color("green", 1) translate([8.5 + wall_thickness, case_width - wall_thickness - threshold, wall_thickness])
cube([60, wall_thickness * 2, 7]);
translate([case_length / 2, case_width / 2, -threshold]) hexagon(4.5, 6);
# translate([8.5 + wall_thickness, case_width - wall_thickness - threshold, wall_thickness])
# cube([60, wall_thickness * 2, 7]);
module lamp() {
union() {
translate([0, 0, -0.5]) cube([12.9 + threshold, 8, 4], center = true);
translate([0, 0, .88]) cube([5 + threshold, 5 + threshold, 1.56], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -1.56]) cube([12.9, 7.6, wall_thickness], center = true);
module button() {
union() {
cube([3.5 + threshold, 6.1 + threshold, 4 + threshold], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -0.5]) cube([1.2, 7, 3 + threshold], center = true);
module lid() {
lid_width = case_width + hinge_radius * 2 + wall_thickness;
hinge_length = case_length / 4;
union() {
difference() {
translate([(case_length - 60) / 2, 14 + hinge_radius * 2, -threshold / 2])
cube([60, 16, wall_thickness + threshold]);
translate([0, lid_width / 5, 0.4]) lamp();
translate([-15, lid_width / 5, 0.4]) lamp();
translate([15, lid_width / 5, 0.4]) lamp();
translate([-30, lid_width / 5, 0]) button();
translate([30, lid_width / 5, 0]) button();
translate([0, lid_width / 5, -2]) cube([20, 7, 3], center = true);
color("black") translate([-2, lid_width / 5 - 5, -2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=5, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("black") translate([-17, lid_width / 5 - 5, -2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=5, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("black") translate([13, lid_width / 5 - 5, -2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=5, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("black") translate([-30, lid_width / 5 - 5, -2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=5, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("black") translate([30, lid_width / 5 - 5, -2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=5, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("black") translate([0, 10, -2]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 62, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("red") translate([-33, 21, -2]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 5, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("red") translate([-35, 13, -2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 18, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("red") translate([33, 21, -2]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 5, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("red") translate([35, 13, -2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 18, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
color("red") translate([0, 5, -2]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 70, r = 1, center = true, $fn = circular_face_count);
translate([case_length / 4 + 1, hinge_radius - 0.4, -hinge_radius])
rotate([180, 0, 0])
rotate([0, 90, 0]) hinge(case_length / 2 - 2);
translate([case_length / 2 - hinge_length / 2, lid_width / 2 - wall_thickness / 2 - 0.5, -wall_thickness / 2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) hinge(hinge_length);
translate([-case_length / 2 + hinge_length / 2, lid_width / 2 - wall_thickness / 2 - 0.5, -wall_thickness / 2]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) hinge(hinge_length);
translate([0, -lid_width / 2 + bevel, -3]) rounded_cube([20, wall_thickness / 2, 10], bevel);
color("blue") translate([-9, -lid_width / 2 + 1.5, -6]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) linear_extrude(18) circle(1, $fn = 3);
color("blue") translate([-9, -lid_width / 2 + 1.5, -7]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) linear_extrude(18) circle(1, $fn = 3);
module box_side() {
box_side_slider(case_length, case_width, case_height);
module case_base() {
difference() {
rounded_cube([case_length, case_width, wall_thickness + 2], bevel = 0.5);
translate([wall_thickness, 0, 2]) rounded_cube([case_length + threshold, board_width + threshold, 2 + threshold]);
// These give a screw-hole in the center which will allow the clamp to be attached
translate([0, 0, -1]) hexagon(4.5, 2);
translate([0, 0, -wall_thickness / 2]) cylinder(r = 2, h = wall_thickness + threshold, center = true);
// and now a bit of an indentation to help the clip remain in place
translate([0, 0, -4.5]) cube([clasp_width + threshold, clasp_width + threshold, wall_thickness], center = true);
// here are some grooves along the edges that can be used to piece parts together
translate([wall_thickness / 2, case_width / 2 - wall_thickness / 2, wall_thickness / 2])
cube([board_length + wall_thickness, wall_thickness / 2, wall_thickness / 2 + threshold], center = true);
translate([wall_thickness / 2, -case_width / 2 + wall_thickness / 2, wall_thickness / 2])
cube([board_length + wall_thickness, wall_thickness / 2, wall_thickness / 2 + threshold], center = true);
// main_case();
// color("red", 1) translate([0, 0, case_height + wall_thickness / 2]) lid();
// color("red", 1) translate([0, 0, 40]) lid();
@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
include <./control_panel.scad>
difference() {
color("blue") rounded_cube([5, 5, 5], bevel = 0.5);
translate([0, 0, 1]) rounded_cube([4, 4, 4]);
@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
include <./control_panel.scad>
// lamp();
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
include <./control_panel.scad>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user