Render the goban along with ghost images for the cursor #36

savanni merged 4 commits from feature/goban into main 2023-03-31 02:43:05 +00:00

In this MR, I start drawing the goban with a background image and with a ghost stone serving as the cursor on the board.


In this MR, I start drawing the goban with a background image and with a ghost stone serving as the cursor on the board. Closes: - [Render the Goban]( - [The playing field translucently renders the color ofthe current player over spaces]( - [Add a prettier board background](
savanni added 2 commits 2023-03-31 02:42:04 +00:00
savanni force-pushed feature/goban from caf662180f to 35850b60b3 2023-03-31 02:42:31 +00:00 Compare
savanni merged commit 35850b60b3 into main 2023-03-31 02:43:05 +00:00
savanni deleted branch feature/goban 2023-03-31 02:43:05 +00:00
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Reference: savanni/monorepo#36
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