@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
use embedded_hal::{delay::DelayNs, digital::OutputPin, spi::SpiBus};
use fugit::RateExtU32;
use panic_halt as _;
use rp_pico::{
gpio::{FunctionSio, Pin, PinId, PullDown, SioOutput},
spi::{Enabled, Spi, SpiDevice, ValidSpiPinout},
Clock, Sio, Timer, Watchdog,
pac, Pins,
const XOSC_CRYSTAL_FREQ: u32 = 12_000_000; // MHz, https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=356764
const ROWS: usize = 320;
const COLUMNS: usize = 240;
const FRAMEBUF: usize = ROWS * COLUMNS * 3;
struct Step {
param_cnt: usize,
command: u8,
params: [u8; 4],
delay: Option<u32>,
impl Step {
fn send_command<D, Pinout, P>(
spi: &mut Spi<Enabled, D, Pinout, 8>,
data_command: &mut Pin<P, FunctionSio<SioOutput>, PullDown>,
) where
D: SpiDevice,
Pinout: ValidSpiPinout<D>,
P: PinId,
let _ = data_command.set_low();
let _ = spi.write(&[self.command]);
if self.param_cnt > 0 {
let _ = data_command.set_high();
let _ = spi.write(&self.params[0..self.param_cnt]);
const NOP: u8 = 0x00;
const SWRESET: Step = Step {
param_cnt: 0,
command: 0x01,
params: [0, 0, 0, 0],
delay: Some(150),
const SLPOUT: Step = Step {
param_cnt: 0,
command: 0x11,
params: [0, 0, 0, 0],
delay: Some(10),
const COLMOD: u8 = 0x3a;
const MADCTL: Step = Step {
param_cnt: 1,
command: 0x36,
params: [0x08, 0, 0, 0],
delay: None,
const CASET: u8 = 0x2a;
const RASET: u8 = 0x2b;
const INVON: Step = Step {
param_cnt: 0,
command: 0x21,
params: [0, 0, 0, 0],
delay: Some(10),
const NORON: Step = Step {
param_cnt: 0,
command: 0x13,
params: [0, 0, 0, 0],
delay: Some(10),
const DISPON: Step = Step {
param_cnt: 0,
command: 0x29,
params: [0, 0, 0, 0],
delay: Some(10),
const RAMWR: u8 = 0x2c;
// Adafruit setup instructions
// SWRESET (0x01), 150ms delay
// SLPOUT (0x11), 10ms delay
// COLMOD (0x3a) 0x55 (65K RGB, 16bit/pixel), 10ms delay
// MADCTL (0x36) 0x00,
// memory data access control, RGB
// CASET 0x00, 0, 0, 170,
// column address set, 4 parameters
// 0x00, 0x00 indicates xstart is 0
// 0x00, 170 indicates xend is 170
// RASET 0x00, 0, 320 >> 8, 320 & 0xFF,
// row address set, 4 parameters
// 0x00, 0x00 indicates ystart is 0
// 3230 >> 8, 320 & 0xff indicates that 320 is the last y address
// INVON, 10ms delay
// invert the display
// NORON, 10ms delay
// normal display mode
// DISPON, 10ms delay
// turn the display on
const SETUP_PROGRAM: [Step; 9] = [
Step {
param_cnt: 1,
command: COLMOD,
params: [0x66, 0, 0, 0],
delay: Some(10),
Step {
param_cnt: 4,
command: CASET,
params: [0, 0, 0, 240],
delay: None,
Step {
param_cnt: 4,
command: RASET,
params: [0, 0, (320 >> 8) as u8, (320 & 0xff) as u8],
delay: None,
unsafe fn main() -> ! {
// rp_pico::pac::Peripherals is a reference to physical hardware defined on the Pico.
let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// SIO inidcates "Single Cycle IO". I don't know what this means, but it could mean that this
// is a class of IO operations that can be run in a single clock cycle, such as switching a
// GPIO pin on or off.
let sio = Sio::new(peripherals.SIO);
// Many of the following systems require a watchdog. I do not know what this does, either, but
// it may be some failsafe software that will reset operations if the watchdog detects a lack
// of activity.
let mut watchdog = Watchdog::new(peripherals.WATCHDOG);
// Here we grab the GPIO pins in bank 0.
let pins = Pins::new(
&mut peripherals.RESETS,
// Initialize an abstraction of the clock system with a batch of standard hardware clocks.
let clocks = init_clocks_and_plls(
&mut peripherals.RESETS,
&mut watchdog,
// An abstraction for a timer which we can use to delay the code.
let mut timer = Timer::new(peripherals.TIMER, &mut peripherals.RESETS, &clocks);
// Grab the clock and data pins for SPI1. For Clock pins and for Data pins, there are only two
// pins each on the Pico which can function for SPI1.
let spi_clk = pins.gpio2.into_function();
let spi_sdo = pins.gpio3.into_function();
// let spi_sdi = pins.gpio4.into_function();
// Chip select 1 means the chip is not enabled
let mut board_select = pins.gpio13.into_function();
let mut data_command = pins.gpio15.into_function();
let mut reset = pins.gpio14.into_function();
let _ = reset.set_low();
let _ = board_select.set_high();
let _ = data_command.set_high();
// Now, create the SPI function abstraction for SPI1 with spi_clk and spi_sdo.
let mut spi = Spi::<_, _, _, 8>::new(peripherals.SPI0, (spi_sdo, spi_clk)).init(
&mut peripherals.RESETS,
// The SPI system uses the peripheral clock
// Transmit data at a rate of 1Mbit.
// Run with SPI Mode 1. This means that the clock line should start high and that data will
// be sampled starting at the first falling edge.
let _ = reset.set_high();
let _ = board_select.set_low();
for step in SETUP_PROGRAM {
step.send_command(&mut spi, &mut data_command);
if let Some(delay) = step.delay {
let mut bitmap: [u8; FRAMEBUF] = [0; FRAMEBUF];
let mut i = 0;
loop {
let _ = board_select.set_low();
let _ = data_command.set_low();
let _ = spi.write(&[RAMWR]);
let _ = data_command.set_high();
let _ = spi.write(&bitmap);
let _ = board_select.set_high();
let color = i << 2;
bitmap = [color; FRAMEBUF];
i = if i >= 64 { 0 } else { i + 1 };